Since its foundation, Viola Film has acted as executive producer for numerous foreign projects that choose to shoot in Italy, attracted by the marvellous locations that our country offers and by the advantageous public funding. Our company has supported the production of important international projects, including Terrence Malick's last two feature films...

...the feature film "Der  fall Collini", directed by Marco Kreuzpaintner, the TV series for Sky Deutschland "Funeral for a dog", based on the best seller of the eponymous title, and the most expensive European TV production ever, "The Swarm", which involved German, French, Italian and Japanese broadcasters.

Our company provides a wide range of services, including location management, planning and coordination of transport and logistics, as well as a reliable and cost- effective budgeting process management...

...Our team is able to assist with tax credit benefit requests and for all pre-production and with all pre-production activities, including:

– Budget compilation

– Research and recruitment of employees

– Location scouting and research, with subsequent contractualisation

– Casting

– Organisation of transport and accomodation

– Product placement and sponsorship

We can organise a call to discuss your project and needs, assess together the application for regional funds and tax credits, and do a location search using our private database, so that together we can select the most suitable locations for initial scouting.